"He said I was unequipped to meet life because I had no sense of humor."

Friday, April 1, 2011

The Eternal City

Hey team! I am writing from the elegant comforts of the Eternal City, where I have enjoyed the overwhelming hospitality of the Marinello-Touzzi's, Giulia's family in Rome. Giulia is in Corinne's program at KTH and kindly offered her family's hospitality when I was chatting with her about the sights to see in Italy and Rome.  I have been enjoying their hospitality immensely, along with that of a St John's connection, Fr William Skudlarek, who lives and works at San Anselmo's Abbey in Rome.

It is late, midnight, my mother arrives in 8 hours from New York, so this entry will be brief.  I'm sorry I have not accounted for my time more generously, but it has been a time of plenty for me.  I am well hosted, well traveled and well fed.  Here are a few snapshots:

A typical apt house in Giulia's neighborhood

A 'Romantic' story about lovers who locked their love on a bridge inspired many others - I was shown this by Giulia's aunts Carla and Giovanna

An old street near the ancient Foro

Buildings around P. Navoro

The Pantehon!  Its age leaps out at you

Inside the pantheon

St Peter's

A piazza

The Angel of Grief

Keat's grave - I was shown the cemetery by Giulia's cousin, a high schooler who studied Keats, Shelley, etc

Another house in Giulia's neighborhood

A street! (via, or corso)

One of dozens of churches
There are many more stories that will have to wait.  Tomorrow morning I pick up Mom at the airport and we head to Florence.  I hope to flesh out these images then.  Thanks for reading!  

1 comment:

  1. Yay for Italy!!
    Molly and I had a fabulous visit there three years ago. I'd underestimated the power of the place, and know you and Tig are set for a treat. Looking forward to hearing about it!!
    Aunt Connie
